Your Neighbourhood
Your Neighbourhood
We take the wellbeing of our tenants very seriously and it is a requirement of our Tenancy Agreements that tenants and their visitors behave in a considerate manner towards their neighbours at all times.
Most people try and be good neighbours and don’t set out to cause disputes. However, neighbour nuisance, where one household causes a nuisance to their immediate neighbours or other people close by is one of the most common forms of anti-social behaviour.
By anti-social behaviour we mean anything that can affect and upset other people, such as:
- Loud music
- Inconsiderate parking
- Vandalism
- Street drinking
- Violence.
Anti-social Behaviour
What can you do?
In instances where the seriousness of the anti-social behaviour is not extreme, usually the most effective method of resolution is peacefully speaking to your neighbour. The main benefits of this could be:
- Avoid any increased tension between neighbours by involving your landlord.
- You may be able to express your thoughts and feelings in a more effective way than if it was done by a third party.
- Your neighbour may not actually be aware that their behaviour is causing such a disturbance.
- It can often increase the rapport with a neighbour and establish a mutual respect and understanding.
If this approach is not effective or the offence is extremely serious, and/or you would feel intimidated in any way approaching your neighbour, then it’s time to escalate. It is extremely important that if you feel in immediate danger or feel a criminal offence has/is being committed, you must report to the emergency services.
How can we help?
Advance Northumberland Homes treat all anti-social behaviour extremely seriously and wholeheartedly understand the negative impact this has on your life. Upon receiving a complaint of anti-social behaviour, we can guarantee that:
- Your complaint will be assessed within 5 working days of receipt.
- Our primary focus will be to peacefully resolve the situation in a prompt manner.
- We will always make it a priority to discuss the matter with the alleged perpetrating tenant.
- Your complaint will be handled with the appropriate level of sensitivity and diplomacy.
- Our assessment of the issue will be realistic and achievable, and may require you to do something.
- We will provide very clear advice as to what we can do to help resolve the matter. We will also provide advice to you and make you aware as to what evidence is required, and how such evidence can be obtained.
- All action taken will be reasonable and proportionate to the level of anti-social behaviour committed.
It is important that all tenants are treated equally and fairly, and that all anti-social behaviour complaints are assessed objectively. It is important that all tenants understand that in order for ourselves to escalate matters we will require evidence of wrongdoing. In advance of your contact, it can often be extremely useful to have the evidence readily available.
Things we are typically unable to deal with:
- General street parking.
- Pest control (unless tenant conduct is encouraging pests).
- General anti-social behaviour from occupiers who are not tenants of Advance Northumberland Homes.
- Actions of tenants in which is not likely to amount to a breach of tenancy.
Useful contacts:
Environmental Health
Emergency Services please call:
Urgent: 999
Non-urgent: 101
Should you wish to report an incident of anti-social behaviour, please populate the below form.