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Keeping your gas appliances safe

As landlords, Advance Northumberland Homes will perform routine inspections and make sure your gas appliances are safe.

We will notify you by letter when we are planning to inspect your home. Please allow us to do this work when you have had a letter in advance to help keep you and your family safe. If you fail to keep appointments for servicing, we will take legal action to access your home.

You can help keep your gas appliances safe and clean to reduce the risk of damage:

  • Please keep your oven in good working order and clean and service it regularly.
  • Ensure safety checks are carried out by gas certified engineers and no not attempt to do it yourself. 
  • Maintain ventilation points for any gas appliances.
  • Report any repairs as they arise to help minimise any damage that could get worse if unattended. 
  • If you have any issues or concerns about gas appliances, don’t hesitate to give us a call. 

Gas Servicing

Find out more about our gas servicing maintenance.
Gas Servicing
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